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''The Monkey'.

''The Monkey'.
Estrena 21/02/25

divendres, 15 de novembre del 2019

'Black Adam'.

Dwayne Johnson ha compartit a traves del seu instagram el primer cartell d’art conceptual, de la molt esperada pel·lícula de DC ‘Black Adam, oferint-nos el primer cop d’ull de Johnson com l’antiheroi protagonista. En la publicació, també ha donat a conèixer, la data d’estrena oficial per part de Warner Bros. Pictures, el qual estrenarà el film el pròxim 22 de Desembre de 2021. Creat per l’artista digital Boss Logic i l’artista de DC Comics Jim Lee. A continuació li podeu donar un cop d’ull...

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The Man in Black ⚡️ Like most kids growing up, I dreamed about being a superhero. Having cool superpowers, fighting for what’s right and always protecting the people. It all changed for me, when I was 10yrs old and was first introduced to the greatest superhero of all time - SUPERMAN. As a kid, Superman was the hero I always wanted to be. But, a few years into my fantasy, I realized that Superman was the hero, I could never be. I was too rebellious. Too rambunctious. Too resistant to convention and authority. Despite my troubles, I was still a good kid with a good heart - I just liked to do things my way. Now, years later as a man, with the same DNA I had as a kid - my superhero dreams have come true. I’m honored to join the iconic #DCUniverse and it’s a true pleasure to become, BLACK ADAM. BLACK ADAM is blessed by magic with the powers equal to SUPERMAN, but the difference is he doesn’t toe the mark or walk the line. He’s a rebellious, one of a kind superhero, who’ll always do what’s right for the people - but he does it his way. Truth and justice - the BLACK ADAM way. This role is unlike any other I’ve ever played in my career and I’m grateful to the bone we’ll all go on this journey together. BLACK ADAM 12.22.21 ⚡️ Huge thank you to my friends, @jimlee and @bosslogic for this first time ever bad ass collaboration.
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 Dwayne Johnson porta treballant en el film de ‘Black Adam’ des de fa 10 anys. Al principi, el personatge havia de fer el seu debut en el film estrenat el Abril d’aquest any ‘Shazam’, però van decidir guardar el seu esperat debut per a poder donar un espai a cada personatge.

Basat en el personatge de DC Comics i creat per Otto Binder i C.C. Beck, ‘Black Adam’ serà dirigida per Jaume Collet-Serra (The Shallows) amb Dwayne Johnson com a protagonista. Aquest film serà la segona col·laboració entre el director i l’actor, després de fer-ho en el film ‘Jungle Cruise’, que s’estrenarà el 24 de Juliol de 2020.

El film estarà produït per Johnson i la productora FlynnPictureCo de Beau Flyn al costat de Daby Garcia i Hiram Garcia de Seven Bucks Productions. Scott Sheldon supervisarà el projecte per a FlynnPictureCo.

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