L’actor Britànic havia treballat en més de 80
films des de que va iniciar la seva carrera l’any 1982. Potser sigui millor
conegut pel seu paper com al Major General de la Resistència Caluan Ematt a ‘Star
Wars: The Force Awakens’ i ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’. També va treballar a ‘Rogue
One: Star Wars Story’. També va posar veu al sequaç de Lady Proxima Moloch a ‘Solo:
A Star Wars Story’. L’ex codirector d’aquest film, Christopher Miller’, va
publicar un homenatge especial...
Andrew Jack was the dialect coach on SOLO, and a kind and thoughtful man. We asked him to teach Alden to speak Shyriiwook, and I’ll always remember listening to them gargle-roar at each other back and forth.— Christopher Miller (@chrizmillr) March 31, 2020
RIP https://t.co/ivlE7q4guB
Les seves altres contribucions importants van incloure treballar amb més de 200 actors, inclosos Robert Downey Jr. (Chaplin, Restoration, Sherlock Holmes, Dolittle), Pierce Brosnan (GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, Die Another Day), i Cate Blanchet i Viggo Mortensen en els films de ‘The Lord of the Rings’, en els que va crear els accents de la Tierra Media, Elfico i Black Speech. També va treballar com l’entrenador de Chris Hemsworth en films recents com ‘Thor: Ragnarok’, ‘Avengers: Infinity War’, ‘Avengers: Endgame’ i ‘Men in Black International’. En crèdits addicionals inclouen ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’, ‘The Last of the Mohicans’, ‘Sexy Beast’, ‘Cold Mountain’, ‘Troy’, ‘Batman Begins’, ‘Captain America: The First Avenger’, ‘The World’s End’ i ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’.
Aquí algunes de les reaccions més de la
defunció de Andrew Jack...
Devastated to hear of the passing of the wonderful, talented, beloved gentleman #AndrewJack. He is one of the kindest people I’ve ever worked with. Please stay safe. Please stay home!!! #RIPAndrewJack pic.twitter.com/VqmmGkxaOF— GreG GrunberG (@greggrunberg) March 31, 2020
Today we learned that a member of our Star Wars family, Andrew Jack, passed away due to complications from COVID-19. In addition to playing Major Ematt in The Force Awakens, his work as a dialect coach on TFA, Solo, & other SW films revealed a man who was passionate & caring... pic.twitter.com/4gl4RQqLqI— Joonas Suotamo (@JoonasSuotamo) March 31, 2020
I've just had some terrible news. My dear friend, #AndrewJack, dialect coach to the great and the good of the film industry, has died due to the coronavirus. He was an incredible man who showed me real kindness over the last 20 years. He was my friend & I shall miss him terribly.— James Payton (@MrJamesPayton) March 31, 2020
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