Estrena Destacada

''The Monkey'.

''The Monkey'.
Estrena 21/02/25

dilluns, 16 de desembre del 2019


El MCU ha vist com molts actors de comèdia han sofert grans transformacions físiques per interpretar els seus respectius papers i Kumal Nanjiani (Silicon Valey) no ha estat l’excepció. En el seu compte d’Instagram hi ha compartit el seu estat físic actual, que podeu veure a continuació...

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I never thought I’d be one of those people who would post a thirsty shirtless, but I’ve worked way too hard for way too long so here we are. You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. I found out a year ago I was going to be in Marvel’s Eternals and decided I wanted to transform how I looked. I would not have been able to do this if I didn’t have a full year with the best trainers and nutritionists paid for by the biggest studio in the world. I’m glad I look like this, but I also understand why I never did before. It would have been impossible without these resources and time. So big thanks to @grantrobertsfit who started working with me at the beginning of the year and made me understand true physical pain for months and months. Then, once we started shooting, a massive thanks to @davidhigginslondon and his team (@ellispartridge, @thebeardypt, @tomcheesemanfitness) for training me almost every day and making me strong, limber and injury free. I can almost touch my toes now. (And thank you for forcing me to do cheat meals David.) Matthews Street Catering for their delicious and healthy meals. And finally, the biggest thanks goes to @emilyvgordon for putting up with me complaining and talking about only working out and dieting for the last year. I promise I’ll be interesting again some day. #thirstyshirtless (Photo by @markupson.) (edit: I left off one very important person: @lancecallahan who trained me for 6 years and helped me build the foundation I could use to do this. Thank you!)
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 ‘The Eternals’ es basa en el còmic creat per Jack Kirby. Aquella sèrie introduïa a un grup d’immortals anomenats The Eternals i els seus rivals, The Deviants. Dins dels còmics, Thanos i la resta dels habitants de Titan eren també Eternals. No està clar si el MCU mantindrà aquesta connexió.

Angelina Jolie i Richard Madden són els protagonistes del film, sent Thena i Ikaris, respectivament. Kumail Nanjiani co-protagonista és Kingo, amb Lauren Ridloff com a Makkari, Brian Tyree Henry és Phastos, Salma Hayek és Ajak, Lia McHugh és Sprite, i Dong-seok Ma és Gilgamesh.

Chloe Zhao dirigeix ‘Eternals’ amb un guió de Matthew k. Firpo i Ryan Firpo. I s’estrenarà el 06 de Novembre del 2020.

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